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Poole Student Connections

A bi-weekly newsletter for undergraduate students of Poole College of Management

January 9, 2023

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Dive Into Involvement at Poole Party

Want to connect with more Poole students? Poole Party is an excellent opportunity to learn more about Poole resources, organizations, and affinity groups. Come meet representatives from the Poole clubs on Wednesday, Jan. 18 from 1-3:30 pm. in Governors Scott Courtyard.


Welcome New Poole Students

Poole College is excited to welcome 109 new first-year, transfer and spring connect students this semester. The college has many opportunities that new students can explore while creating their unique Poole experience.

Explore Opportunities In Poole College
global flag map

Go Global This Summer

Are you ready to go abroad this summer with Poole College? Poole offers 15 study abroad programs across 5 continents. Sign-up now as the deadline is fast approaching. 

Apply Now
advising questions

Extended Academic Advising Drop-In Hours

The first week of classes, Poole Advising will be offering extended drop-in hours. Stop in to Nelson 2150 between 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. for quick advising quesitons.
Find Out More About Advising Here

Get Ready for Spring Career Weeks

Jan. 17-Feb. 3. Three weeks of events to focus on your career and internship. Resume reviews, employer coffee chats, virtual employer information sessions, career development workshops, the Diversity Student Mixer and the spring career fairs. Check out the full schedule of events offered by the Poole College Career Center.

Check Out The Schedule of Events

Important Reminders for Upcoming Dates


The Last Day to add a class in MyPack for Spring 2023 (without special permission) is Jan. 13. After this, there may not be an option for you to add a class. 

Check Out Important Dates For Spring 2023

MLK Campus Commemoration 2023

2023 mlk campus commemoration

NC State’s 2023 Martin Luther King Jr. Campus Commemoration will take place Jan. 16-20. This year's celebration will provide resources for living a well-rounded life as activists, creatives, and allies. 

Our theme this year is Renaissance which evokes the spirit of authenticity and calls on students to be their authentic selves. Events with themes of spiritual and mental wellness, liberation, and the arts will focus on radical love, community appreciation, and ancestral gratitude 

Find The Calendar Of Events Here

Follow Poole College of Management on social media at @NCStatePoole on Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. 

Reminder: NC State's campus will be closed on Monday, Jan. 16 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We encourage you to use this time to rest or serve your community in honor of Dr. King's legacy.

New students: WWW is your time to learn about your new home, make new friends, build your community and explore exciting ways to engage in and outside of the classroom. Stay up to date with WWW events »


Mark your calendars for 5th annual AMA Regional Conference on Jan. 28 from 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. in the Mountains Ballroom in Talley Student Union. Register by Jan. 25 for the opportunity to engage with keynote speakers, participate in business competitions, and potentially win money prizes. Sign up now »


With every step tracked on your smartphone fitness app to the miles driven in your car, your personal data is collected every day. Join us Jan. 22-28 for Data Privacy Week — Keep IT Private — to learn ways to protect your data privacy as well as safeguard university data. For details on virtual events and a chance to win great prizes, visit the NC State Data Privacy Week website at go.ncsu.edu/dpw2023.

EVENTS | View Calendar



Poole Party



Diversity Student Mixer



Supply Chain Career Fair



Career & Internship Fair

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